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Bains proposes UC medical school for Kern County

Asm. Jasmeet Bains (D–Bakersfield), who is also a doctor, would like to see Kern County have its own medical school.

Bains introduced Assembly Bill 2357 this week to require the University of California to build a medical school in Kern County.

“Grow Our Own” Medical School Bill Introduced by Asm. Bains

(Sacramento, CA) Feb. 14, 2024 – Kern County, home to some of the worst health outcomes in the state, could be home to a new a medical school thanks to a bill introduced Tuesday by Assemblymember Dr. Jasmeet Bains (D-Delano).

New regulations by the California Air Resources Board raise serious safety concerns

California’s ports are the lifeblood of the state’s economy supporting agriculture, manufacturing, and global trade abroad. We cannot talk about our ports without also talking about the men and women who make them work. Aboard tugboats and other harbor craft, these incredibly skilled workers safely guide the largest cargo ships in the world in and out of port. As they keep us and our sensitive coastal ecosystems safe, they should not have to worry about their boats melting down and catching on fire.